
Check out recent reviews of The Breakout Sessions Podcast!



Just listened to the episode with Randy McKay. Mogey and JC got some great stories out of him. A fun episode. “More stitches than a baseball”

Iron Ranger Grown


Loving the episodes. A couple of down to earth guys that know the game, play the game, and love the game. Look forward to more episodes.

Rebecca85E via Apple Podcasts


We are military and new to the hockey world and the area. Appreciate the informative session about the Woodsmen!

Podcasters22 via Apple Podcasts


Talented work and amazing dedication! Each episode always has great insight and interesting stories! I highly recommend taking time to dive into this podcast!


What our listeners have been saying about the best hockey podcast on the planet...

Just listened to the Scott Parker interview.( while wrapping presents) This is one of the most interesting interviews you’ve had !! Didn’t know him very well, & at times, didn’t like his coaching attitude. BUT now a can appreciate what he’s gone through and his longevity as a coach speaks for itself. Good job guys !!

Just listened to “coaches corner “segment Two coaches were great 👍 Nice job both of you !!!! 😊

Great interview with Joel Isaacson on an aspect of hockey I had not thought of

My husband and I are listening to every episode. Love the kid interviews. You never know what they're going to say. One of the kids mentioned my son's name. He was so happy to hear it!

Andy Carroll was fun to listen to. Well spoken and overcame adversity to get where he is at.

Peter Byrne gave an interesting perspective. Great stories. Wish he could have told some more.

Bill McCoshen is a great guy, great interview.

Nice broadcast, awesome Sue! Great listen for all the female youth hockey players and families out there.

Very cool to have a veteran on. Thank you for your service Mr. French!

Hi guys, my oldest son and I are driving back from NY today listening to most of your podcasts.  Great stuff guys, keep up the awesome work!  We're having a blast listening enjoying great father/son time.

Hi Guys,

I wanted to thank you guys again for having me on the podcast. I had a great time and hope you guys did too. I’ve had a ton of people reach out to me around the state and has open up some coaching connections which is great for the state

- Ryan Blick

Listened to your Granto podcast.  One of your best ever.  Nice job.

Feb 28, 2023 @lindadaane: Best hockey podcast!!!! Informational and entertaining!

March 12, 2023 @stevesylvester: Great job on the podcast Casey, you truly are a class act, any kid that has the opportunity to play for him and the STEEL should jump at it!....I predict that he should be coaching very soon at the next level.

From: @gregsemrau5543 -That was awesome! Great job SHEP!

From; Lady Lincoln

"Mason worked so hard and it really paid off. He is a great young man! Every young hockey player should watch this for inspiration. "


Chippewa Falls, WI, US

About us

We started this podcast as a way for us to connect with others over our love of life and the great game of hockey. We are reaching out to men and women of all ages and levels (youth, high school, college and beyond) that we know or have known that have had hockey involvement as a large part of their life; as a player, coach, official, administrator, fan, etc. We are hoping our guests can share some stories about the colorful characters and exploits they were involved in on their journey, or the youth player who has just played the game of their life! We believe folks will enjoy hearing what our podcast has to offer.

John JC Christophersen-#3 and Mogey McDonough- #13

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